«Spike Lee: I think you love music more than cinema.
Martin Scorcese: [laughs] I think so. Music is the purest form, don’t you think?
Spike Lee: Would you agree with me that musicians are the greatest artists?
Martin Scorcese: Yeah, they’re the purest and the greatest. I mean, music totally comes from your soul. I just remember growing up with guitar music and jazz.
I would play these 78s that my father had in the ‘40s, and all these images came to mind. That’s the way I’ve always worked—listening to music and getting pictures from the music.»
InterviewP.S.-«SL: Would you do the New York version of Roma?
MS: [laughs] It’s not a bad idea. I think I’ve been trying to do it, from Mean Streets [1973] and Taxi Driver [1976] to Raging Bull and Gangs of New York . . . The thing about it is, I’m obsessed with this city. I just find it so remarkable. You really treasure this city when you go to different countries and you see that there is no mix. When you get back to the city, it’s such an exciting place. New Yorkers, we walk in the street, we talk to ourselves. But the issue is the energy, the excitement, and the different ethnic groups all mixed together. We’re spoiled being here.»
[É ao folhear a publicação criada por Andy Warhol que encontro momentos tão saborosos como este e como o café que sopra o aroma do Domingo de manhã, numa esplanada, banhada de um sol que já só (a)parece como uma recompensa da semana de trabalho. Tão em Lisboa. Completamente em Nova Iorque. Não há revista com tanto cheiro a grande maça.]